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Transformation of Sentence ( Simple, Complex and Compound) এর সহজ নিয়ম

Transformation of  Sentence

Simple to Complex:
Rules : Since/As/When + Sub + V + ….., বাকি sentence বসে। (কারন বুঝালে - since/as, সময় – when)
Ex: Simple = Closing the door, I went back to work.
Complex = When I closed the door, I went back to work.
** Being
Rules : Since + sub + am/is/are/was/were……
Ex: Simple = The water being very hot, I could not drink it.
Complex = Since the water was very hot, I could not drink it.
** too…..to
Rules : so……that+ sub + can not/could not……
Ex: Simple = He is too weak to move.
Complex = He is so weak that he can not move.
** To+verb
Rules: to স্থানে so that + sub + can/could + …..
Ex:  Simple = She sold her hair to buy a gift for her hushand.
Complex = She sold her hair so that she could buy a gift for her husband.
**Inspite of
Rules: Though/Although + sub + v……..
Ex: Simple = Inspite of his being heathy, he is lazy.
Complex = Though he is heathy, he is lazy.
**Because of
Rules: Since + sub + v…..
Ex: Simple = Because of my illness, I could not join the meeting.
Complex = Since I was illness, I could not join the meeting.
Simple = Because of their playing well, they won the game.
Complex = Since they played well, they won the game.
**ব্যক্তি/ বস্তু/প্রাণি/সময় বুঝালে complex করার নিয়ম
Rules: Who/whom/ which/when/ where দিয়ে complex করতে হবে।
Ex: Simple = I saw a birds flying.
Complex = I saw a birds when was flying.
Simple = I saw a lame man.
Complex = I saw a man who was lame.
Simple = He is a good student.
Complex = He is a student who is good.

Simple to Compound:
** Ving
Rules: sub + V……..and +V + বাকি অংশ
Ex: Simple = Drinking water, the writer wanted to save money.
Compound = The writer drank water and wanted to save money.
** Being
Rules: Sub + am/is/are/was/ were + and + বাকি বাক্য
Ex: Simple = Being honest, he could not tell lie.
Compound = He was honest and could not tell lie.
**Having + V3
Rules: Sub + had + V3 + …….+ and + বাকি বাক্য
Ex: Simple = Having forgotten him, I went out.
Compound = I had forgotten him and went out.
** too……to
Rules: very……and + sub + can not/could not…..
Ex: Simple = He is too weak to walk.
Compound = He is very weak and he can not walk.

Complex to Simple:
** Since/As/When
Rules: Ving + object, মূল sub + ………..
Ex: Complex = When the thief saw the police, he ran away.
Simple = Seeing the police, the thief ran away.
**Sub ভিন্ন হলে am/is/ are/was/were/has/have/had থাকলে
Rules: am/is/are/was/were – being, has/have/had – having হয় + বাকি সব ঠিক থাকে।
Ex: Complex = When the meeting was over, we went back home.
Simple = The meeting being over, we went back home.
**Since/as থাকে, sub এক হলে, be verb থাকে
Rules: Because of + possessive form + Being/having + বাকি বাক্য ঠিক থাকে
Ex: Complex = Since he was small, he could not work hard.
Compound = Because of his being small, he could not work hard.
**Relative pronoun থাকলে
Rules: Relative pronoun উঠে যাবে + Ving
Ex: Complex = The writer lived in a cabin that belonged to the orphanage.
Simple = The writer lived in a cabin belonging to the orphanage.
**If থাকে
Rules: By (হ্যাবোধক হলে), without (নাবোধক হলে) + Ving +…….. , ………..
Ex: Complex = If you do not read attentively, you will not pass the exam.
Simple = Without reading attentively, you will not pass the exam.
Complex = If you work hard, you can succeed in life.
Simple = By working hard, you can succeed I in life
**So that
Rules: So that থেকে may/might/can/could পযন্ত উঠে to বসে + বাকি সব ঠিক তাকে
Ex: Complex = He worked hard so that he could prosper in life.
Simple = He worked hard to prosper in life.
Rules: So এর জায়গায় too + that থেকে not পযন্ত উঠে to বসে + বাকি সব ঠিক তাকে
Ex: Complex = He is so weak that he cannot walk.
Simple = He is too weak to walk.
Rules: In spite of + possessive form + am/is/are/was/were – being, have/has/had – having, Ving + …… , ……
Ex: Complex = Though he tried heart and soul, he could not pass the exam.
Simple = In spite of his trying heart and soul, he could not pass the exam.

Complex to Compound:
** Since/As/When
Rules: Since/as/when উঠে যায় + কমার জায়গায় and বসে + বাকি সব ঠিক থাকে
Ex: Complex = Since he was young, he could not refuse their proposal.
Compound = He was young and could not refuse their proposal.
Rules: though/although উঠে যায় + কমার জায়গায় but হয় + বাকি সব ঠিক থাকে
Ex: Complex = Though he tried to pray, he could not get rid of the curse.
Compound = He tried to pray but could not get rid of the curse.
**Relative pronoun
Rules: Relative pronoun স্থানে and বসে + ১ম ‍sentence টির object  sub হিসেবে বসে + বাকি সব ঠিক থাকে।
Ex: Complex = He bought a pen which was costly.
Compound = He bought a pen and it was costly.
Rules: V…+কমার স্থানে and ( হ্যাবোধক হলে), or (নাবোধক হলে) +……….
Ex: Complex = If you do not move, you will die.
Compound = Move or you will die.
Complex = If you run fast, you can win prize.
Compound = Run fast and you can win prize.

Compound to Simple:
**And subject এক হলে
Rules: Ving + …….+and স্থানে কম + মূল sub + বাকি অংশ
Ex: Compound = The old man killed the bird and brought bad luck to the crew.
Simple = Killing the bird, the old man brought bad luck to the crew.
**And sub ভিন্ন হলে
Rules: Am/is/ are/was/were – being, have/has/had – having + and স্থানে কমা + ২য় বাক্য বসে
Ex: Compound = The marriage ceremony was over and the guests were all going to the feast.
Simple = The marriage ceremony being over, the guests were all going to the feast.
**And ‍subject এক হলে, ‍sentence দ্বারা কোন কারণ বুঝালে
Rules: Because of + possessive form + am/is/are/was/were – being, have/has/had – having, Ving + ……+ and স্থানে কমা + ২য় বাক্য বসে
Ex: Compound = He is ill and he can not move an inch.
Simple = Because of his being ill, he can not move an inch.
Rules: without + Ving + …….+ or স্থানে কমা + ২য় বাক্য
 Ex: Compound = Work hard or you will not prosper in life.
Simple = Without working hard, you will not prosper in life.
Rules: In spite of + possessive form + am/is/are/was/were – being, have/has/had – having, Ving + but স্থানে কমা + ২য় বাক্য বসে
Ex: Compound = He is ill but he can run fast.
Simple = In spite of his being ill, he can run fast.
**সময় থাকলে
Rules: verb পরের অংশ বসে + and স্থানে কমা + বাকি সব ঠিক থাকে
Ex: Compound = It was twenty year ago and I was living in paris.
Simple = Twenty year ago, I was living in paris.

Compound to Complex:
**And, সময় বা কারণ নির্দেশ করে
Rules: Since/as/when + ১ম sentence + and স্থানে কম + ২য় ‍sentence (কারণ – since/as, সময় – when)
Ex: Compound = the writer was poor and could not buy the watch.
Complex = Since the writer was poor, he could not buy the watch.
Rules: Though/although + ১ম sentence + but স্থানে কমা + ২য় sentence
Ex: Compound = He ran fast but could not get the train.
Complex = Though he ran fast, he could not get the train.
Rules: If + sub + do not + ১ম sentence + or স্থানে কমা + ২য় sentence
Ex: Compound = Work hard or you can not prosper in life.
Complex = If you do not work hard, you can not prosper in life.

                            বিস্তারিত জানার জন্য বিভিন্ন গ্রামার বই অনুসরণ করা যেতে পারে

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